A downloadable project for Windows

A Slime Mold Simulator!

1.5 Million agents create pheromone trails, and follow the trails left by others. Each color is a different species and will only react to it's own color. Enjoy this sandbox simulation of the real life organism Physarum Polycephalum!


R, G, and B - Draw with those colors, attracting their respective species.

Space - Respawn all agents at your mouse cursor

Sliders - Change the parameters of the simulation.

Further Learning:

If you'd like to learn more about how this simulation works, here's a great video by Sebastian Lague that can give you ideas for patterns to try to make!


SlimeMoldSimulator.zip 26 MB

Install instructions

Unzip the game files,  and launch "Slime Mold Simulation.exe"

Note: There are some cases where dx11 doesn't like integrated graphics and the shaders won't run. If you have the option, try to run this with a dedicated GPU.

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